My summer body is loading

My summer body is loading

Get up and move! Literally move your body and get your blood flowing. After a week of literally just sitting in the house, I realized that I could be using this time to workout and get my body right. I haven’t exactly been active since November when I did a Spartan Race with my friends. My body was aching so bad from it that I just took it easy. But I will admit, finishing that race was so rewarding.

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Body Goals

Body Goals

You guys !!!!!!! Let me speak this into existence right now. My 25th birthday is this month. No more procrastinating! This girl is hitting that treadmill. I need to run at least 2-3 days out of the week for 20-30 mins. I’m not fat but in the past couple of months I got so thick. Like to the point where I’m not as comfortable wearing crops tops or bodysuits. 

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Get Fit w/ Rachel

Get Fit w/ Rachel

I am finally here with a mini workout video for you guys ! Trust me, I am not an expert at this fitness thing at all. I am learning as I go and I had help from Rachel and my best friend Myoshi on this one.

I mentioned Rachel in a previous post about my protein shake Juice Plus +.

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