My summer body is loading

Get up and move! Literally move your body and get your blood flowing. After a week of literally just sitting in the house, I realized that I could be using this time to workout and get my body right. I haven’t exactly been active since November when I did a Spartan Race with my friends. My body was aching so bad from it that I just took it easy. But I will admit, finishing that race was so rewarding.

Now, I can actually see the toll it’s taking on my body from not being active. My lower back hurts constantly, my legs are sore, and I’m losing my flexibility. On top of all of this, I’m getting older and I refuse to gain weight in the wrong places.

I went on Amazon and surprisingly found some workout items (above) to help with my at home workouts. I ordered resistance bands, sliders, and a jump rope. I already own a yoga mat and a sweat waist band so I was ready to go with that. And I found my Apple Watch that I lost for months, but I’m glad I found it just in time to start tracking my workout activity.

For the most part, I try to do as many ab and leg workouts I can on my yoga mat. Then, I go outside to my driveway to jump rope, do squats, walking lunges etc. I also use the steps at the front of my house to do more leg workouts and tricep dips. If you need some ideas on home workouts, download the PumaTrac App on your phone. They have some great HIIT workouts to get you started.

I use my water gallon container (below) as a kettlebell to workout out my shoulders. Running is also a great workout to do outside, especially with the weather getting nicer. Working out at home is all about being creative and improvising as much as you can.

Also, it’s great to wake up and workout early in the day. It just makes you more productive for the day because you have so much energy. It even makes breakfast taste that much better! Take a look at the amazing breakfast I had after my workout on Monday.

I made an omelette made with peppers, onions, grape tomatoes, and cheddar cheese. I ate this with avocado spread on whole wheat toast and for my fruit intake I mixed Strawberry greek yogurt with fresh strawberries and bananas.

So, I will end this post on a motivational note because I want everyone to use their time wisely. I’m tracking my progress daily by taking photos of my body. My goal is to tighten up my core and tone up my legs. I’m going to start tracking my progress, so here are my before pictures:

I’m looking forward to sharing the “After” pictures, when outside opens back up.

What are your favorite at home workouts or equipment to use?

Leave a comment below.