Still in quarantine?

I can’t believe I’m writing this, but we’re still in quarantine 4 months later. And to be honest I don’t think much will change in the next few months going towards the end of the year. It’s not even the boredom that worries me. I’m more concerned about what the new normal is going to be.

I’ve been fortunate enough to have the ability to work from home so I’ve pretty much adapted to that. It has definitely helped with my savings since I don’t have to spend money on gas, tolls, and lunch. But I would be lying if I said that being home has made me more productive. I mean in certain aspects it has. I cook everyday and focus more on eating 3 times a day. However, it’s like I just don’t have much to look forward to. At least when I went to the office, I was able to talk to my coworkers and just interact with people. The emails are just getting exhausting and really makes me feel less productive. I’m most likely not the only one who feels this way, but I’m still adjusting to this change.

I’m definitely missing time with my friends too. It’s like you want to see everyone but you also want to be as safe as possible to make sure no one gets sick. But I won’t say that this quarantine has been all negative. I’ve had lots of ME time so I spent time reflecting on myself. I realized a lot about where my focus was. I put way too much time into work and not enough on things I enjoy. I don’t want to sacrifice all my time on work because as we’ve all seen during this pandemic, jobs come and go in a blink of an eye. I’m learning to put my attention more on my loved ones. Creating memories and spending time with people I care about means more to me than anything else.

Let me know what positives or negatives you’ve realized throughout quarantine.