Saying “No”


Hey guys! I haven’t posted in a little while and it’s because a lot of things have been on my mind. Not sure how to start or frame the conversation, but rolling into this new decade I wanted to make sure I stopped and analyzed a couple of things in my life. Most people probably went out and partied for the holidays but I really took the time to distance myself and reflect. I did this both personally and professionally. I discovered a few keys things about myself that I will discuss in the next couple of posts.

One of them is being a “Yes Man”.

How do other people see me? From a professional and personal perspective, I’ve come to a common theme that everyone sees me as reliable. I will always help out and get things done, which is completely true but it puts me at a disadvantage sometimes. I have a hard time saying “No” to things and I’ve made it my point to stop helping people who will not help themselves. I can’t save people. I can’t do the work for them and I can’t make them want success. To that point, I can focus more of my energy on worrying about things to help me. It sounds a bit selfish, but I would be doing myself a disservice if I don’t make sure I’m in the best position possible for growth and development.

This doesn’t mean that I’m not willing to help people out. It’s more of me putting the right amount of energy into situations that I feel things are being reciprocated. Sometimes being nice to everyone can just be overwhelming. You will literally help anyone with no questions asked, but when it’s your turn there is no one to lean on. So I’ve just been looking into the circle of friends I want to associate myself with to make sure it’s the right energy and fit for how I view myself and my goals. Your circle of influence can have a huge impact on the decisions you make. This year I have a lot of goals and I want to move in the right direction.